Sunday 1 September 2013


Stephen King, in his book On Writing tells us that reading is just as important as writing when it comes to developing your writing craft. He is often quoted: "If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time, or the tools, to write." Thankfully, reading is something I have been doing in abundance this year.

As one often does around the turn of a year, on 31st December 2012 I set myself some goals, one of which was to read thirteen books (13 for 2013). I'd set a similar goal for 2012 and failed miserably. I think I reached around seven, most of which were finished in the early part of the year. In reading terms, the second half of the year was a waste. But back to the here and now. So far in 2013 I have read seventeen books. And some of these were big beasties, like A Song of Ice and Fire and The Sum of All Fears. I reached the coveted target of thirteen so early that come the 31st December 2013 I hope not only to have read at least twenty books, but to set a higher target again for 2014.

You may ask, "How do you keep track of your reading? How do you know exactly how many books you've read?" Goodreads!

I've been a member of for a couple of years now. If you're like me, you'll be organised, like lists, like tracking your progress, and you'll love Goodreads. I can keep track my progress on whatever novel (or novels) I'm reading, keep a list of books I want to read, organise my books into categories, genre, or any other list I like, and Goodreads also has an annual reading challenge where you set the target. Mine says I'm "4 books (19%) ahead of schedule!". Goodreads even has a handy app for your tablet or smartphone, which makes tracking your progress very easy.

So if you're an avid reader, or even just read occasionally, check it out. You might like it.

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